Impact Investments
COX Family Office Foundation

According to UN agencies, there are over 100 million street children globally. Because they lack identification documents, street children are often targeted in ways that perpetuate gross abuses of human rights.
COX Family Office Foundation’s philanthropic efforts bring education, care and protection to forgotten children. Often, these children have been forgotten simply because they’re too difficult to reach.
Philanthropic and family office investors are well positioned to play an important role in solving the global street children crisis globally, but to date, the pace of progress has not yet met the need. The Street Children Crisis Solutions, through COX Capital Group’s Re-Investment Institutes and other programming, works to make the field of impact investing for street children more connective, active and effective for philanthropic and family office investors.
COX Capital Group believes its clients’ philanthropic plans and charitable structures belong at the heart of their overall wealth management strategy. With that in mind, the experts at COX Capital Group work with families and their advisors to provide advice and support to govern the development of client philanthropy. Clients have support through every segment, from initial vision and planning, to implementation and the ongoing management of charitable trusts and foundations.
If clients are already engaged in philanthropy, there can be considerable value in taking a fresh, objective look at the strategies in place. By reviewing client activities, programs, projects and grants, COX Capital Group can help make sure clients remain closely aligned with their vision.